Coolnageeragh Census Images
Coolnageeragh is a town-land in the Lickmolassy / Portumna District. In the Irish it means “back hill of the sheep”. The first link under each year describes the houses and buildings associated with each head-of-household. The remaining links enumerate the individuals in each household.
1901 Households
- James Madden
- Mary Mulhere
- John Neville
- Catherine Bohan
- Michael Cleary
- Michael Cleary
- Michael Fahy
- James Canning
- Patrick Burns
- Houses & Buildings – 1901
1911 Households
- James Madden
- Michael Neville
- Thomas Mulhere
- James Canning
- John Bohan
- Michael Fahy
- Michael Cleary
- Margaret Cleary
- Patrick Burns
- Houses & Buildings
- Search the entire 1901 / 1911 Ireland Census – FREE
- Griffith’s Valuation (1847 – 1864)
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