Coolnageeragh Census Images

Coolnageeragh is a town-land in the Lickmolassy / Portumna District. In the Irish it means “back hill of the sheep”. The first link under each year describes the houses and buildings associated with each head-of-household. The remaining links enumerate the individuals in each household.

1901 Households

  1. James Madden
  2. Mary Mulhere
  3. John Neville
  4. Catherine Bohan
  5. Michael Cleary
  6. Michael Cleary
  7. Michael Fahy
  8. James Canning
  9. Patrick Burns
  10. Houses & Buildings – 1901

1911 Households

  1. James Madden
  2. Michael Neville
  3. Thomas Mulhere
  4. James Canning
  5. John Bohan
  6. Michael Fahy
  7. Michael Cleary
  8. Margaret Cleary
  9. Patrick Burns
  10. Houses & Buildings