BabeRuthByAnnaConnerBabe Ruth Genealogy Project

This blog was started when we wanted to prove that our Baltimore Ruth family was different than the Ruth family yielding George Herman Ruth.

This is a simple exercise to show the availability of records for genealogy research. Perhaps, this will inspire someone to begin their own family history project.

More information about the project is at → Genealogy Project Page.

LFH_image_0205Letters From Home – 1952

Twin brothers John and Andrew spent most of 1952 as soldiers in Korea. Home for them is Catonsville, Maryland.

Once or twice a week, brother Charles would send typewritten letters of news on the home front. In all Charles sent 68 letters.

Charles saved an “onion skin” copy of each one. I OCR’ed and transcribed them to digital format.

Each letter is posted on the same day that it was sent 60 years ago.

This year brings change. Charles, his wife Ann, and four children will move from Catonsville to Long Green Valley.