Hannover, Germany → Baltimore, Maryland


Gottlieb (B. 1813) and Johanna (Engelkind) from Hanover Germany. They had four children:

  • Frank (1838-1908)  marries Mary Mormann (1845-1917) and together they have ten children.
  • Louis (1841-1895) marries Christina Mayrahn (Meyron) (1845-1916) and together have seven children.
  • Louise (1843-1931) marries Louis Kossmann (1833-1916) and together they have nine children. Louis was widowed with one surviving child before marrying Louise Tiemann.
  • Johanna (1847-1900) marries her cousin Henry Mormann (1847-1904) and together they have five children.



Frank (1838-1908) was a cigar maker.
Three of Frank’s daughters were in show business.

  • Elizabeth Jermon “Lillian Tyson” (1867-1934) married to John G Jermon who was an owner of the Columbia Circuit of Vaudeville Theatres.
  • Ida McVeigh “Maryland Tyson” (1873-1957) marries actor John McVeigh and has one child.
  • Anna Sauer “Virginia Tyson” (1878-1942)


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Turnverein History

Louis (1841-1895) was in the cigar-making business at the time of his death, and for a number of years was the head of the cigar department at St. Mary’s Industrial School. As one of the early members of the Turnverein Vorwaertz, he was interested in German athletic affairs. For a time he conducted a gymnasium at 1116 West Baltimore street. For eight years he was a professor in the Baltimore Gymnasium. He was a member of King David Lodge of Masons, No. 68, and of Carollton Pleasure Assembly.

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Louise’s (1843-1931) husband was a shoemaker.

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Johanna’s (1847-1900) husband, Henry Mormann ran a grocery store.


Three brothers came to Baltimore from Osnabruck / Rieste / Hanover, Germany.

Herman Henry Morman (1812-1880) never married but took care of the children of his 2 brothers that died relatively young.

He came to Baltimore in 1831, acquired in the fifty years “not insignificant pecuniary successes”. He was owner of a furniture transport truck company.

Herman Henry’s last will shows that he had many assests.

[Extract from Herman’s will]

He gives nephew Henry Mormann four houses: 224 & 226 South Bond street and 175 & 177 South Bethel street.
He gives his niece Elizabeth Tiemann (wife of Frank H L Tiemann) 211 South Bond street together with all the furnishings within. Also the house on the Northwest corner of Fountain and Castle streets.
He gives to his “dear and afflicted niece Charlotte Mormann”two houses known as No 236 &238 South Bond street subject to the control of his niece Elizabeth Tiemann.
He gives to Henry Mormann (son of his nephew Henry Mormann) and to Henry Tiemann (son of his niece Elizabeth Tiemann) his house on the Southeast corner of Bond street and Eastern avenue and also his stocks in the German American Bank and his stock in the Baltimore Schutzen Park on the Belair road.
He gives to his nephew William H Mormann $500.00 and his niece Mary Hobelman (wife of Herman H Hobelman) $300.00 and to his niece Margaretha Mormann $1,000.00 and to Henry Urnbach (son of my niece Annie Urnbach) $300.00 and to my grand-niece Mary Burke $200.00.
To George M Wholers (there is an umlaut (i.e. double dot) over the “o”) $1,000.00. Note: there is a George WOHLERS, clerk, 26, from Bremen in the 1880 census at 326 W Lafayette ave. He is a border at the home of Charles W Welb / Wolb. In 1891 he marries Ella F Reed.
And it is his desire to send $100.00 to Riester Province, Hanover to be distributed among the poor.
The residue is left to his niece Elizabeth Tiemann.

[End extract from Herman’s will]

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John Rudolph Morman (1814-1854) married Margaret Mary Hinternesch and together had 5 children

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John Bernard Mormann (1817 – bef. 1860) married Anna Elisabeta Mayers and together had 4 children.
Two of Bernard’s children married the children of Gotlieb Tiemann.


They have their own page at:


Family Names

Beikirch, Benner, Berry, Bonhag, Broadfoot, Bruder, Burke, Chaney, Chevalier, Fritsch, Grill, Grim, Heinze, Hinternesch, Hobelmann, Howarth, Jermon, Klemm, Kossmann, Kreitler, Langeman, Maack, Maggio, Mathes, Mayers, Macauley, McVeigh, Meyrahn, Monroe, Moore, Mormann, Mueller, Potee, Roberts, Rocks, Rohlfing, Russell, Schisler, Seebach, Smith, Strauss, Stuckert, Tenley, Theurer, Tiemann, Ulbrich, Umbach, Wacker, Walb, Weglein, Wyneken, Zink.

Family Trees


Find A Grave memorials